1-on-1 SAT Tutoring

Work with one of our dedicated 1500+ scoring tutors individually for learning customized just for you!
When Is 1:1 Tutoring the Right Fit for You?
👉If you are a student who already has the basics down with an SAT class and wants to further hone your skills.
👉If you are a student with a lop-sided score or have specific, key areas you need to work on.
👉If you are a student who prefers the high-touch engagement that private tutoring offers.
What are Some of the Most Impactful Benefits of 1:1 Tutoring with Us?
✔️Weekly, personalized sessions to suit you.
✔️A customized prep plan to maximize your score.
✔️Test-taking strategies that actually work.
✔️Your own personal tutor who scored 1500+ on the SAT.
✔️Help outside of sessions via text or email.
✔️Access to exclusive high-quality resources (workbooks, notes, video lessons, and real tests).
✔️Summary emails sent to parents after each session.
✔️Help with study skills and time management.
🌟We strive to provide high-quality tutoring and we get incredible results with our students. With 94% of our 1-on-1 students increasing their score by 100-350 points in as little as 3 months, we are confident that our program can help you reach your goals.🌟
Please note that each tutor on our team only takes up to 4 students at a time. This is to ensure that you get our maximum focus and attention. Due to our limited availability, we are highly selective about what students we enroll in this program and you will be interviewed to determine if you are the right fit.
For our pricing, policies, and FAQs, please view our Information Pack.